- "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU!!!!!"
Characteristics - Garnett has a strange sense of humor of her own. She shows absolutely 0% mercy to her enemies and even her allies. Garnett has a strange habit of name-calling people with terms that not very many people use. With that, she is difficult to persuade. She is also part of a noble family in Ouli Brye with her father, Moilin. Throughout the story, we will learn more about her motives and reasons for being the person she is.
Appearance - Garnett has one of the more normal attires. She does not stand out much from everybody for a reason - to be just a regular person. The only difference is that her eyes look as if they're engraves in red especially whenever she is angry. A running gag of hers is that for every time she reappears in the series, her new axes are bigger than the previous weapons.
Episode Debut: 10
Episodes Shown: 17
Age: unknown
Height: 5'7
Weapon: axe
Occupation: royalty in Ouli Brye
Story plot (contains spoilers) -
During the train events towards Ouli Brye, Garnett lead a sneak attack to find Leo in the isolated house. Little did her squad know, Leo and his friends had already appeared on the train. When Garnett runs into Lydia, she begins to dislike Lydia without any plausible reasons. Garnett also clashes with Leo and Rina. At the end of the train events, Felix and Forrest save her from an ongoing fire.
In Ouli Brye, Garnett reveals that her father is Moilin and that the two of them live in the largest mansion of Ouli Brye.
As she spots Forrest and Lydia, she forces Moilin to help kidnap them and send them into the capital basement.
At the Yucan Tempa, Garnett persistently chooses to stop the Gammel army on her own, and the Lennox group becomes concerned for her. As she fights Lionel at the chairlift, she was close to falling until Felix decided to save her again.
The soldiers in Troiya subtly state that Garnett successfully infiltrated both Troiya and Bafuul. She appears after Lydia was set free from her handcuffs, but of course, we can't have both girls in the same place without a fight.
Garnett finally appears again in Bafuul, still taunting Lydia to fight. As Floir interrupts, Garnett suddenly throws a tantrum with literally almost light speed and red, demonic aura. With Lydia being utterly confused, she manages to run away from Garnett while Garnett was busy trying to murder Floir.
Garnett appears at the beginning of the Zweiland Mountains, trying to murder Lydia, yet again. However, this is the first time her body begins to malfunction and electrocute. The group questions it after they make a run for it.
She also joins the Gammel group in defeating Lydia's group at the Wiserheim coliseum - solely to fight Lydia, not because she wanted to join forces with the Gammel government. In the end, after she loses, she cuts her hair out of craziness, and to symbolize herself as someone separate and independent from Lydia.
At the Village of Saradeli, Garnett becomes fully dysfunctional and Talbot tries to fix her up. Her heart throughout the final volume drastically changes with his help, and she decides to sacrifice herself in order to break through Zozna's barrier. She barely makes it out, but with several scars and bruises. Thankfully for her, she is a robot replica of Lydia, so she could survive such a blast.
In the end, she is still being operated by Talbot, but it is expected she will be able to support Lydia and the Gammel army as she pleases.
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