Saturday, February 21, 2015

Warren Oxner - Character Page

Warren Oxner
- "I must repay the debts of my erroneous ways, even if it means my views mean nothing to the government, and I- eugh! Is that a rabbit?!" 

Characteristics - Warren is an ex-lieutenant from the Gammel army. He is a handy gentleman, but rather reserved and strict at the same time. However, behind that stone heart is a heart filled with despair. He had been exiled for disagreeing with the entire Gammel government for using Lydia's Obsidian energy for selfish needs, and now that he no longer has duties to fulfill as a lieutenant, he feels empty inside. It is said that he was willing to take his own life after losing everyone important to him, until he met people like Lydia and Forrest. P.S. He is afraid of bunnies.

Appearance - Large and built, Warren looks rather intimidating. He still wears the older edition of the Gammel military attire - a full-on blue jumpsuit which is also a main garment of a shipping pilot. He has short, blond hair, groomed evenly which subtly indicates he cares about fashion, but he wouldn't rather talk about it otherwise. His weapon is a large hammer, and this bit of information is somewhat important to his habits as a Gammel lieutenant and his lack of interest in killing.

Other information:
Episode Debut: 21
Episodes Shown: 39
Age: 30
Height: 6'7
Weapon: Hammer

Story plot (contains spoilers) -
Warren Oxner's debut began in Loomin, at a graveyard to visit his late love, a woman who had been killed during the war twenty years ago. As Lydia, Forrest, and Leo arrive, Warren tells them to leave. However, Lydia trusted that his disheartened expression meant no harm to the group. Because of this, Warren decided to explain who he was - an exiled soldier of the Gammel army.

Furthermore, he tells rather important information about the Gammel army and the fact that they're using Obsidian energy for selfish needs. Of many of the soldiers within the army, Warren was the only person who objected the idea of kidnapping Lydia and using her energy. As a result of his explanation, Floir appears by surprise and takes him into custody at Bafuul.

Warren returns in the series after being freed by the main group on episode 25. From there, he helped scout the rest of Bafuul for them due to his past experience from being on guard duty.

It is revealed on episode 27 that Warren is afraid of bunnies (of all animals). Yet, he refuses to tell the history of it. Warren also becomes one of the prime importances to the history of Waltzer.

At the Checkpoint, he tries to convince Felisse that the Gammel government is a part of a conspiracy, but she attacks him. Warren offers to be left behind so that the main group could enter Vector. Later on, however, Warren safely makes it to Vector without explaining what happened at the Checkpoint.

Warren slightly becomes relieved that Viola joined the group, now that he's no longer the only Gammel unit in the main group.

Within the Li'Opa Jungles, Warren is paired with Hazel to escape.

Warren questions Viola's true motives as a positive intent, assuming he knows how kind she truly is. After being set free from the castle prison, he helps Leo stop the mutated giants in the city of Lament.

Warren pairs with Forrest at the City of Celestia to understand what it is like to be a child again.

After the separation in Celestia, Warren appears by the Frolix Volcano, offering himself as a ritual sacrifice to the Winstel army. The main group did not condone this action, so they decided to enter the Wiserheim coliseum tournament to help set him free - and they succeeded.

At Amitt, it was revealed that Warren was a skilled airship pilot which made him reliable for the Crescent Airship. He also uses this to his advantage to steer against enemies at the battle of Lament.

Returning to the Village of Saradeli, Felisse makes an appearance and begs for him to change his actions. He becomes hostage in the Soma Springs near Shiu Jo, but he manages to break her control free from Magnus.

In the final battle, Warren sacrifices himself when Magnus throws a hard blow at the main group. Luckily, he barely manages to survive. He volunteers to become the next vessel for Magnus but Felix refuses and takes on the task.

After the events of Zozna, Warren rejoices with the remainder of the Gammel government to restart his new and profound position.


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